Top 10 videos straight from inside Guinness World Records HQ - tallest, smallest, fastest, longest - you can find all of that here!
Plying her craft since age 6, Leilani Franco (UK) has spent decades polishing the skills and abilities needed to grow into a world-class contortionist. And now, she can officially say she's gone bey...Read more »
Last weekend at the Qingdao Beer Festival in Shandong, China, 1,007 robots bopped and shimmied their way to a new world record for the Most robots dancing simultaneously. Named QRC-2, each of the 4...Read more »
Setting themselves a challenge to get into the Guinness World Records annual, members of Dutch cycling organisation the Mijl Van Mares Werkploeg built the Longest bicycle in the world, measuring an a...Read more »
Robert Ardito from the Wing Chun Kung Fu school went head-to-head with karate expert Dwayne Pearson for the record Most full contact punch strikes in one minute, on the set of Guinness World Records,...Read more »
Gerard Jesse of the Philippines has broken a world record by breaking wind. Mr. Jesse is seen in the video below blowing out 5 candles with a series of farts, aided by a long tube and a very brave ...Read more »
Purin is an extremely talented 9-year-old female Beagle and a double record holder who is described as cool, competitive, easy-going and positive by her proud owner Makoto Kumagai (Japan). The fluff...Read more »
You'll get a shock when you watch the impressive footage of one of our most striking record-breakers, Maria Jose Cristerna AKA 'The Mexican Vampire Lady'. Each week here on guinnessworldrecords.com, ...Read more »
Čovjek koji nije isjekao nokte još od 1952. godine je ušao u Ginisovu knjigu rekorda, ali kaže da je platio visoku cijenu za svoje kandže. Šridar Čilal je zvanično oborio svjetski rekord u najdužim ...Read more »
The Longest human domino line was formed by 10,267 participants at the Ordos International Nadam Fair in Ordos City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China. The participants consisted of students...Read more »
The fastest time to knock off a coin from the ears of 15 participants with a loop-the-loop yo yo trick was 1 minute 12.88 seconds and was achieved by Hiroyuki Suzuki (Japan) on the set of Lo Show D...Read more »
Guinness World Records Classics: Man squeezes through tennis racket Thaneswar Guragai (Nepal) a super-flexible man who proceeds to set a new record for the most times to pass through a tennis racket...Read more »
This week's Classic Guinness World Record Title is inspired by the release of The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water and Spongebob's bubble blowing techniques. The record for the most soap bubbles...Read more »
Buckets Blakes broke the GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS® mark for the most basketball underhanded half-court shots in one minute, dropping six. Read more »
In today's video, we are going to do an awesome ab workout that can be done alone or after your daily training. And make sure you do this quick workout so you can get one step close to having the ripp...Read more »
Molly Schuyler, "žgoljava" mama četvoro djece, ušla je u Ginisovu knjigu rekorda jer je za tri minuta progutala više od pet kilograma pudinga. Molly, koja je rekorde već postavila jedući šnicle i pil...Read more »
Take look back at hit UK TV show Guinness World Records Smashed, hosted by Konnie Huq and Steve Jones.google_ad_client = "ca-pub-6412456300276695"; /* 336x280, stvoreno 2011.08.12 */ google_ad_slot = ...Read more »
Znate li da Guiness dodjeljuje priznanje i za najduži nos na svijetu? Upravo ovakvu medalju ponosno pokazuje Mehmet Ozyurek iz turskog grada Artvina, svjetski rekorder po dužini nosa. Ova titula mu j...Read more »
The most mustard drunk from a tube in 30 seconds is 294 g (10.371 oz) and was achieved by Denis Klefenz (Germany) on the set of 'Wir Holen Den Rekord Nach Deutschland' at Europa-Park in Rust, Germany,...Read more »
The most beer barrels tapped in one minute is 13 and was achieved by Robert Dullinger (Germany) on the set of 'Wir Holen Den Rekord Nach Deutschland' at Europa-Park in Rust, Germany, on 27 June 2013.g...Read more »
Braon čivava Miracle Milly iz Portorika je najmanji pas na svijetu sa visinom od samo 9,65 sentimetara. U vlasništvu je Vanese Semler iz Dorada, u Portoriku. Da biste imali ideju koliko je zaista sić...Read more »
The most juggling catches on a circus pole in one minute is 179 and was achieved by Isabelle Noël (Germany) on the set of 'Wir Holen Den Rekord Nach Deutschland' at Europa-Park in Rust, Germany, on 21...Read more »
Two young British men have been recognised by Guinness World Records as the youngest pair to row an ocean following an intrepid journey across the Atlantic.Luke Birch, of Doddington, near Lincoln, and...Read more »
The most steps climbed backwards while controlling a football with the feet is 89 and was achieved by Marcel Gurk (Germany) on the set of 'Wir Holen Den Rekord Nach Deutschland' at Europa-Park in Rust...Read more »
Mohammed Khurshid Hussain postao je novi svjetski rekorder u brzom kucanju nosem i ušao u Ginisovu knjigu rekorda. Njegov rekord našao se u Ginisovoj knjizi rekorda, nakon što je za samo 47,44 sekunde...Read more »
Watch as Mike Chang from Six Pack Shortcuts muscles his way to the Guinness World Records title for most pull ups in one minute wearing a 40 lb pack! Encouraging him are Alex and Tyler from SportsMani...Read more »
The largest Indian pancake spun measured 76 cm (2 ft 5 in) in diameter and was achieved by Cao Huaijiang (China) on the set of Zheng Da Zong Yi - Guinness World Records Special in Beijing, China, on 2...Read more »
The tightest 360 degree spin turn in a car is 2.50 m (8 ft 2.42 in) and was achieved by Ronny Wechselberger aka Ronny C' Rock (Germany), at Fliegerhorst Hopsten in Hörstel, Germany, on 6 June 2013. T...Read more »
Muškarac i djevojka su svoje titule službeno dobili prošle zime, a pozirali su pored knjige odjeveni u narodne nošnje svojih država. Otputovat će u London u septembru.Najmanji muškarac na svijetu Chan...Read more »
275,000 dominoes toppled toward a new Guinness World Record with the help of German company Sinners Domino Entertainment: Read more »
Molly Schuyler je odrezak dovršila u vremenu od 2:44 te se time zasluženo upisala u Guinnessovu knjigu rekorda. Dosadašnji najbolji rezultat je popravila za 4 minutePovijesni je trenutak zabilježen 3....Read more »
The smallest roadworthy car measures 63.5 cm (25 in) high, 65.41 cm (2 ft 1.75 in) wide and 126.47 cm (4 ft 1.75 in). It was created by Austin Coulson (USA) and measured in Carrollton, Texas, USA, on ...Read more »
Top 10 videos straight from inside Guinness World Records HQ - tallest, smallest, fastest, longest - you can find all of that here! Read more »
The Sports Vlog - November 2013 - Guinness World Records - Sports Vlog Insane planking. Golf carts going 100 mph. Giant plummeting bikes - it's all in the November Sports Vlog!Read more »
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