Hilarious Birthday Bloopers and Pranks.
50 Sports Photos Taken At The Right Moment is a video that shows different sports photos. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || [])...Read more »
Extraordinary Flexible Women's Ever (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygo...Read more »
Ah, wonder and mystery of magic! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle |...Read more »
What does she think she's doing? Steam cleaning? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle = windo...Read more »
Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb attempt to break into a store. via GIPHY (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (...Read more »
Funny videos - Motorcycle Fails Wins compilation 2016. The best motorcycle videos and funny fails/wins compilation of January 2016. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); ...Read more »
Awesome video! Some dude from Soviet break dancing crew of late 1980s have found many of his buddies (now living all over the world) and asked them to dance again. Many of this dudes are in their 4...Read more »
With makeup, clothing, and a cane, we help disguise D-Trix, our Prankster, as a senior citizen. D-Trix then surprises people on Hollywood Boulevard when he suddenly transforms from a stumbling old ma...Read more »
Who approved these blue prints? These are 57 of the world's funniest & most EXTREME building & engineering fails ever! 50. At the corner of Auschwitz lane and holocaust road. How did no on...Read more »
You think you have landed up in a bad job? Think about it. A ear cleaner examine's people’s ear, use a long brass pick, and then clean the ear wax completely. Tough job! Read more »
In all the diversity of India, beauty and cleanliness co-exist with ugliness and dirt. But we have many who helped us clean up. 10. The neighbourhood Dhobi or the Washermen is better than your reg...Read more »
Kina.Ovog moticiklistu je baš pošlo.Jedan incident mu nije bio dovoljan. Read more »
India is a country situated in the southern part of Asia. It is a beautiful country known for its rich culture and traditions. In this post we are not going to talk about the greatness of India in fa...Read more »
'Hold A Coke With Your Boobs' Is Trying To Be The Topless Version Of The Ice Bucket Challenge! But What Is It REALLY Raising Money For?? The Ice Bucket Challenge raised over $100 million for ALS...Read more »
Funny dogs sometimes making us smiling than they do some stupid things. Dogs are very lovely pets. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoog...Read more »
Purin is an extremely talented 9-year-old female Beagle and a double record holder who is described as cool, competitive, easy-going and positive by her proud owner Makoto Kumagai (Japan). The fluff...Read more »
Eto, lijepo je znati da će jednog dana i od našeg pivskog trbuščića biti neke koristi, da nismo mukotrpno na njemu radili bezveze. Carnegie Hall, pripremi tepih, stižemo Read more »
Djevojčica po imenu Lejla odsjela je u hotelu sa svojom porodicom i tom prilikom se susrela sa drevnim primjerkom tehnologije: fiksnim telefonom, sve sa kablom. Otac joj je dodao slušalicu i zamoli...Read more »
21 Funniest Names Ever 1. Dr. Whet Faartz 2. Batman Bin Suparman 3. Jesus Condom 4. Tahra Dactyl 5. Kash Register 6. Am'az'in Blackman 7. Dick Trickle 8. Mister Love 9. Chris P. Bacon 10. Rad H...Read more »
15 Pedestrians Oblivious To The World Outside Their Cell Phones Read more »
Bosanci su pronašli način kako da se rashlade! Oblože traktorsku prikolicu celofanom i napune je vodom, a zatim skaču u nju. Napravili su pravi pokretni bazen u Novom Travniku i time se pohv...Read more »
Izgleda da je ovom Rusu obični hulahop bio dosadan pa je riješio da podigne nivo. On je prvo jedva nekako dovukao traktorsku gumu, a onda je uspio i da je zavrti na svojim kukovima. Read more »
German tourist Martin Lozano was holidaying on the Cies Islands, which lie off the northern coast of Spain, when he placed his GoPro camera down on a ledge. The camera films an innocent looking sea...Read more »
Amerikanci Daniel Gruchy i Gavin Free snimili su video kako usporeno izgleda kada prsne ogroman vodeni balon s čovjekom - unutra. Zašto? Zato jer je zabavno Read more »
Mladić iz BiH obukao je zimsku odjeću, uključujući i vunenu kapu, i takav se prošetao bazenom u sklopu sportskog i rekreacijskog centra ADA u Brezi S namjerom da vidi kako će ljudi reagirati, mlad...Read more »
The world has always known that Russia is a pretty odd place when it comes to their people. The country itself it beautiful with mountains and incredible landscapes. But it’s hard to tell why thi...Read more »
- Svi članovi porodice tvrde da puštaju vodu nakon korišćenja toaleta, međutim, ovaj ''član'' to nije radio - rekao je zatečeni muškarac Muškarac iz Kalifornije se jako dugo pitao ko koristi njeg...Read more »
Ludvig Gustafsson snimio je prijatelja koji je za skakaonicu iskoristio najobičniji stol što se pokazalo kao fatalno kriva procjena. Uostalom, u to se uvjerite i sami... Read more »
This is the moment a grizzly bear belly flopped into a Florida pool in hopes of cooling off in the summer heat. Four-year-old Bruiser is seen in the video climbing the pool's ladder before jumpin...Read more »
Glumio frajera, dao protivniku da ga tuče, pa pao kao kruška Egipatski MMA borac El Sawi počinio je jednu od najvećih gluposti ikada viđenih u ringu. Valjda u želji da ostvari mentalnu dominaciju, sp...Read more »
After winning the match, this ping pong (table tennis) player in today’s video went on a dancing tear for almost a full minute with some of the funniest moves you’ll ever seen. google_ad_clien...Read more »
This woman uses her incredible leg strength to show off an unusual talent: crushing watermelons in between her legs. google_ad_client = "ca-pub-6412456300276695"; /* 336x280, stvoreno 201...Read more »
Here are 10 criminals that will blow you away with their stupidity. Read more »
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