A ten story building was erected in a mere 48 hours in a suburban town in Punjab, India.
Using prefabricated materials and more than 200 people doing various types of work, the building was able to be completed two days after the foundation stones were in place.
An official from Synergy Thrislington infrastructure company told IANS that: "Just some finishing touches remain. This is only a sample structure. ... No bricks and sand have been used....The cost is almost the same as of conventional construction material. It saves a lot of time."
Three floors of the building were finished in only six hours, but the prefabrication of the materials took three months.
In a different quick construction job, Broad Sustainable Building company in China has plans to build the world's tallest building using a prefabrication system that will make construction time only a few months long.
The building would stand at 2 thousand seven hundred forty nine feet tall, and has been designed for construction in the Hunan Province in China.
The structure will be able to fit housing for over 30 thousand people, and include shopping and hotels.
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